fredag 30 juli 2010

"Being a soul doctor" Sunday Chat 25th July 2010

"Being a soul doctor"
Sunday Chat 25th July 2010

Comments for "Okis, marriage and seriousness"

Maha-Vishnu Prabhu (Berlin, Germany)

I will write so Vasudeva and Shyamananda don´t eat Junk Food!
For me is very important this chat because I´m Grihasta and sometimes we need to be more specific about the aplication of the teachings
and how to develope our community from our Homes.
I think I´ts important the Isthagostis between couples and with other couples to harmonize the ideas and to realize that sometimes Grihastas move in diferent worlds because they need to swim in the ocean of Maya to search for Lakhsmi.
The Polarity between the Matajis and Prabhus is very strong and it´s a Whole Science to balance and to calm the Egos and own Interests in order
to always vibrate toguether with Gurudev and with the Holy names.
But when the Family is open to surrender unto the Mercy of God, then they become the Warriors that keep the Spirit of Bhakti alive
and the children can grow with this example, that is the great hope that Grihastas give us in Kali Yuga.

Dandavats to all the Families in the Vrinda Family,
You are the Heroes that make our faith strong!!!


Mahavisnu das

Shyamananda das (Gothenburg, Sweden)

"Whether you are bramacharis, grihastas or sannyasis the most important is that you are determined to become pure devotees in this life.

"It's not about rules and regulations, it's about realizations."

These two quotes I like very much from last sunday chat. It reminds me of another one, "Control your senses, get the essence". There you have the previous quotes in one.


onsdag 21 juli 2010

"Okis, marriage and seriousness" Sunday Chat 18th July 2010

"Okis, marriage and seriousness" Sunday Chat 18th July 2010

A message to the readers

A message to all devotees from the sunday chat editors:

We have heard from several devotees that they don't feel qualified to comment on Gurudevas sunday chat.

Me and Vasudeva have reflected on this and concluded that if you are not qualified, then we for sure are not.. We are not qualified to clean the temple, not qualified to chant our rounds, not qualified to read the scriptures and not qualified to associate with devotees. We are not even qualified to eat prasadam, so now we will eat junk candy from the supermarket until you start sending comments.

Sunday chat editors
Vasudeva & Shyamananda


Bhakta Mikael Sjödin (Sundsvall, Sweden)

Hare Krishna!
I, myself, feel so unqualified that I don´t even dare to read the comments. I actually feel so unqualified that I cannot even dare to read the Sunday chat lectures!
ys, Mikael

PS/ If one feels unqualified to speak, then how can one be qualified to listen?

Swami BV Padmanabha (Buenos Aires, Argentina)


If I feel disqualified to speak or hear krsna katha, then the best way to qualify myself for that is exactly to start hearing and speaking krsna katha, with my best intentions and my greatest efforts to do the best, begging pardon for any offense, but not stopping i trying to do that.

Really feeling oneself disqualified involves a practical attitude, in which one struggles with one´s own anarthas for becoming qualified for the service of the Lord. It is not a passive thing, but a very dynamic one. :)

Gaura Haribol!!!

Swami BV Padmanabha

Comment on Swami's comment: Jay Maharaj, very nice message. Yes, we must learn to conquer the tongue by eating Prasadam and speak Hari Katha.

-Gour Nitai das

Sudarshan Prabhu (Gothenburg, Sweden)


I have a lot of crap to say but nothing that beats Gurudevs nectarful words.

But well... I can try to say this...

To give others insights about how they are behaving by "learning them by doing" and showing up the behaviours so they see for themselves - is not a good solution. It is an attitude that very easily is adapted and spread by minds and it is more easy to be bad than good, but only for a very short time it can be nice to just give up and "be as we are - bad animals living in junk". And thereafter will come a hellish time that learns that those kind of thougts was an illusion. The alternative is to just tell what we know about the highests truths even if we never can be qualified to come in full realization like Krishna. We know nothing but can shoose to go lost in beeing Krishnas instruments, to be perfect writers, speakers and singers. By no mush thinking express the Krishna inside the heart. It's bhakti yoga!

I bet any crazy idea about being the "most worst" amongst vaishnavas is not seriously never coming from Gurudev. This is a joke on a high spiritual level! This is to be laughing about. So...

HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA - I almost believed yooouuuu ;) Meet you next time in a loving spiritual atmosphere as always and forever!


Sudarshan Das

Gaur-Nitai Prabhu (U.S.A.)

Dandavats Pranams to all the Vaisnava devotees.

Srila Guru Maharaj ki Jay.

I often enjoy reading Gurudeva's chats, but I must admit that I do not comment on them mostly because I am lazy when it comes to this. But I must realize that I am unqualified to be lazy. As a fallen soul, I am only qualified to work hard on my sadhana, which now includes reading and commenting on Srila Gurudev's Sunday chats.

Nitai Gaura Premanande Haribol!

Your servant,
Gour Nitai das

Prema Vilas Prabhu (Berlin, Germany)

So many people got inspired to write now comments on the chats ;-)
One thought I wanted to share is my gratefulness and admiration for Gurudeva who dedicates all his time to his disciples.
Any time any of his disciples has a problem, he has an open ear for him and a good and satisfying advice.
He really acts like a well-wishing father of all his disciples and I´m forever grateful for his attitude.
Although his disciples should also take care to not bother him with any little problem which can be solved in other ways or with the help of another advanced devotee.
Now through the internet we have additionally the opportunity to have the sanga and the advices of so many advanced devotees.
I liked also the discussion which came up through all the last comments, they make us think about the philosophy and how to adopt these high teachings in our daily live. I was really thinking during the last days about this "qualified or not"-subject ;-)
In this way, we remember the philosophy, statements from the acaryas and also own thoughts about it.
Maybe we discover in this way that we misunderstood something or we can explain some point which we understood at least in theory.
I hope you forgive me, if I take the chance to make a short advertisement for a page which I made ;-) with lots of good-quality-recordings from Bhajans, Kirtans and performances from different occasions like Melas and so on.
You can also download the songs or hear them online.
Soon, after the Mela in Hungary, I will upload for all those who cannot participate I hope ALL bhajans, kirtans, performances and lectures.
The websites-adress is:
and there is another page with lectures:
If you have any question about how to use or how to download please write me to:
Aspiring to serve,
premavilas das

Govinda Prabhu (New Jersey, U.S.A.)

I have been passively listening (could also mean not listening at all) the conversations thats are going on.

I believe that we should speak our mind freely, with all our doubts and questions and let the spiritual master decide who understood what and who is qualified and who is not.

I am so fallen that I can not go anywhere else but up from here, and if I do not attempt to ask questions feeling that I am too fallen then there will be no chance for me to rise.

We are supposed to be humble, not mute and definitely not dumb , I am sure whenever we start speaking most of it will be wrong but if we never speak how will other devotees know how bad our condition is and how much help we need.

Also from time to time I let my tongue wag mindlessly (as i am doing here ) so that devotees can see where my mind is wandering and slap me back to my position.

So my request to all is to comment (look who is talking, I never write anything)

Aspiring to be chastised and be sent back to my place,

Your servant
Govinda Das

Comments for "Open your heart"

Brahma-Samhita Prabhu (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Gurudeva sunday chat ki jay!

The knot of the heart is the crookedness of the heart.

Guru guided Sadhana Bhakti is the way to open the heart and it culminates in onepointed Bhakti, onepointed attention to Sri Krishna, as exemplified by Gurudeva in our lives.
Step by step we have to reach this goal

fear is there hidden deep within the false ego that we will miss out on so many joyrides if we don't pay attention to the opportunities this world have to offer.

Shradda means "Where we give our hearts" Full faith means full open heart. complete honesty. That we can see in Gurudeva. No hiding. There is no possibility for any shadow to be created when full attention is on the Lord who is like the illuminating sun.

Ugra Nrishinga (fearsome Nrishinga) made even the devotees tremble. Brahma and Shiva themselves did not dare to approach the Lord in that form (because they exemplify Karma respectively Jnana mixed Bhakti).
But Prahlad, with fully open heart, no shadows to hide or protect, approached Nrishingadeva and appeased Him with beautiful prayers

One pointed feeling, thinking, speaking and acting. The pure atma, undressed from all attitudes, released from all knots of the heart. I can only imitate the prayer of Bhaktivinoda and ask desperatly "when will that day be mine!"

Is it possible? can we do it?
yes we can, just follow in the footsteps of our beloved Gaurdian Srila Gurudeva.

We can test our advancement on our path by how much attraction we have to read the sundaychats, as they are the weekly "hotcakes" of our darshan connection with Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Radha Brajeshvara

Dandavats dear devotees. please give me mercy so I can understand one day what Gurudeva speaks and associate with Him with an open heart.

Krishna gave a heart to me and I closed it, how stupid. Please devotees give me the key to unlock my heart. Pray for me

Makhan Chor Prabhu (Gothenburg, Sweden)

Dear devotees!
Yes. Very nice chat.
Let's see what the scriptures say. Beacause I remembered very valuable verses in Nectar of Instructions.
Vers 4, here we can read how to share and create love between devotees and also between other people and devotees.
This can be done WORLD WIDE. You can travel to other people/devotees in other countries and work with preaching there in some way like ur Gurudeva and like Prapbhupad did. You can also share and create love via internet ... by helping out ith many things ... building homepage, work onokis, translation of books or the chat ;) , exchange recipes (the first step when it comes to serving prasadam, don't forget) ....
--->> Offering gifts in charity, accepting charitable gifts, revealing one's mind in confidence, inquiring confidentially, accepting prasāda and offering prasāda are the six symptoms of love shared by one devotee and another.
AND if we go back to verse 3 .... here we found what to do if you want to be a devotee. This is recommended to perform every day,yes 24 hours/day.
There are six principles favorable to the execution of pure devotional service: (1) being enthusiastic, (2) endeavoring with confidence, (3) being patient, (4) acting according to regulative principles (such as śravaṇaḿ kīrtanaḿ viṣṇoḥ smaraṇam [SB 7.5.23] — hearing, chanting and remembering Kṛṣṇa), (5) abandoning the association of nondevotees, and (6) following in the footsteps of the previous ācāryas. These six principles undoubtedly assure the complete success of pure devotional service.
Please don't drag this up ...who is qualified or not. It's like throwing mudcakes in a sandbox. We can do better things with our time.
So now we come to intelligence.
I realized two weeks ago that INTELLIGENCE is when you live/act and think according to the scriptures. Everything else is just speculation.
Intelligence is there but since we are born ignorant --- the intelligence is sleeping. But doing what it is recommended, reading the scriptures and doing things like in verse 3 in Nectar of Instructions ..... YOUR intelligence come alive. Slowly we start to wake up. Some speculations will always be there but when we know more about what's in the scriptures - more intelligence we get. RIGHT!?
Read more about intelligence in [the purport of] verse 1 in Nectar of instructions ... the example with the thief.
- Makhan Chor das

Bhakta Mikael Sjödin (Sundsvall, Sweden)

Hare Krishna,
PAMHO. All glories to Shri Guru & Shri Gauranga!
Very nice contribution, Makhana-chora prabhu!
I couldn´t agree more. There is no such thing as unqualified. I don´t think Shrila Prabhupada or other gurus would take the trouble to work hard and preach to unqualified people! They give us the essence, and we need only to remain committed and motivated by whatever little taste we have aquired. That´s our full qualification.
The title of the 2010-07-11 chat is "Open your heart". Yes, we must at least leave the doors open to our heart; the doors which have been already so kindly opened by our spiritual master. Leaving the doors open also means interacting in different ways, like proposed in Shri Upadeshamrita 4 (Nectar of Instruction). Receving nectar is one thing; giving is another. Both should be prominent and flourishing - otherwise, where is the movement?
I am often reminded about the importance of developing loving relationships between devotees. We often have the tendency to forget this most important aspect of spiritual life, and instead we focus on saving the whole world by massive preaching efforts. But we must save ourselves first. Then we can go out and make a real impression on others, when they see us really happy!
ys, Mikael

Vasudeva Prabhu (Gothenburg, Sweden)

Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Jayataha
Dandavats to ALL devotees

One astrologer said about Srila Prabhupada that He would build a house where the whole world could live. And He did by inviting the whole world into his heart. Srila Gurudeva is doing the same. His vision stretches beyond the VRINDA mission; to unite the Vaishnavas he enthuses the WVA, to unite the religions of the world he revealed the OIDA therapy, to unite the East and West (and all the hindus around their common causes) He started the DharmaScience, to include the animals in the family of mother earth (and bridge out to the nondevotee masses) he started the spoonrevolution. Gurudeva takes in the whole world in his heart and asks us to also look beyond our own problems in life or our local concerns. Gurudeva often quotes Srila Prabhupada; "The world first, your temple second". This prevents us from creating our ego-zone around our service. After all, Krishna consciousness is supposed to be universal.

Taking others into the heart
Krishna gives equal love to all souls, but to those who reciprocate he can give more. This means that any soul that is regularly taking association with devotees, making any service, giving donation, appreciating hari-katha, is chanting rounds, serving my Gurudev in various ways, offering his food before eating, bowing down in the temple room etc etc is in the spotlight of Krishna. This soul has received Krishnas attention and deserves my appreciation. By seeing all devotees in this way i will hopefully not make a fool out of myself when the spotlight shines on me, because indifference and offenses are not allowed on the stage of Bhakti.

Gurumaharaj ki Jaya!
//vasudeva d

Balabhadra Prabhu (Mewegen, Germany)

Hare Krishna dear Devotees,

my respectful and loving obeisances to all of You.

I think it is clear who from all of us is the most fallen and the most unqualified – the one with the greatest ego, who want to be the best and the first even in this regard – me…..

But still I admit that the real progress in cleaning and opening our heart comes by a deep meditation about Gurudeva and the topics of his classes, and these deep meditation comes actually when we try to speak or to write about. Listening is nice and good, reading already more intensive, but speaking or writing brings You to a very deep level of finding out what is in Your heart, what You want to share, which direction You really want to go.

Still I feel very ashamed what comes out of my heart when I look what rivers of nectar all of You are sharing from Your sweet realizations. But this is also a kind of ego, I guess and why not let You know how falls I am, actually, then You all feel more compassion and pray more for me. Cool

When Gurudeva speaks about to open the heart with all his deep meanings and different aspects, wow I can only bow down to such an universal understanding and realization of the divine love. And it’s so true. Not much more to say about. In my little world I try to open the doors of my heart by learning to understand that everybody must be happy in the family of Krishna Consciousness. To feel home, wherever there is a temple or devotees worshiping and serving the Lord. And the best help to learn this here in Berlin, are our brothers and sisters from foreign countries.

First, when I would be in a place completely out of everything I know or I’m used to deal with, I would be very happy that there are friends who help me even in the little details.

Then they bring so much love and fresh energy into the temple atmosphere that makes all of us so happy, that we have to do our best, that they never want to leave us anymore.

And also, when the people from outside see the community, they should feel by seeing all the happy faces that this community around Krishna has something very special, very happy and very heart-open.

If we feel responsible for the happiness of our brother next to us, when we cannot leave somebody, without asking, “how are You?”, “what can I do for You?”, then we are on a good way to open our hearts more and more. This sacrifice is actually the biggest pleasure one can experience.
and in my case also a good portion of egoism, because there will be the time for sure, when I’m on the ground beaten up by the reactions of my sinful activities. and I would be most happy and fortunate, if there is a compassionate devotee, who give me his attention and help. We need so much help and mercy from everyone around us, the we cannot risk to be alone one day, by bad our behavior or ignoring, selfish mood.

If we see a devote, we try to serve him the best we can, for sure he will be the one, who save us one day, when we are lost. With this feeling we will be saved, I think.


Gurudeva Patita Pavana Ki Jay

Vaisnava Thakur Ki Jay

Bhakta Michael Hurn (San Diego, U.S.A.)

Dandavats Prahbuji,

Ki-jay! That is splendid, getting all the jiva souls to unite in one common cause under Krishna no matter how fallen. We are we must unite under that one common cause keeping the four regulations and chanting at least four rounds a day trancending all religions to keep the harmony in Krishna's creation and by re-identifying with our spiritual divine identity creating a Vrindavana here on this earth and to try to see past others offenses to the good transcending all material obsession. I also like the idea of working on ourselves first which I need to improve on and then help others although it is good to help others on the way.

BK Mike

Gaur-Nitai Prabhu (U.S.A.)

Jay Prabhu, very nice message. I totally agree. Many times I am in my ego zone and forget about the world.... than you for reminding me :)

måndag 12 juli 2010

"Open your heart" Sunday Chat 11th July 2010

"Open your heart" Sunday Chat 11th July 2010

"Megalomania" Sunday Chat 4th July 2010

Sunday Chat 4th July 2010

Pepito commentary (Chat 4th July 2010)

Wow, to make a conscious soap opera is to follow in the footsteps of Srila Vyasadeva. He did the equivalent of that when he wrote the Mahabharata for the general population. Me and Vasudeva had the same idea, that it would be nice to make a modern version of the Mahabharata for the soap opera.

Dear vaishnavas, please save me from the pepito inside of me!

/Pepito (Shyamananda das), Sweden