We have heard from several devotees that they don't feel qualified to comment on Gurudevas sunday chat.
Me and Vasudeva have reflected on this and concluded that if you are not qualified, then we for sure are not.. We are not qualified to clean the temple, not qualified to chant our rounds, not qualified to read the scriptures and not qualified to associate with devotees. We are not even qualified to eat prasadam, so now we will eat junk candy from the supermarket until you start sending comments.
Sunday chat editors
Vasudeva & Shyamananda
Bhakta Mikael Sjödin (Sundsvall, Sweden)
Hare Krishna!
I, myself, feel so unqualified that I don´t even dare to read the comments. I actually feel so unqualified that I cannot even dare to read the Sunday chat lectures!
ys, Mikael
Swami BV Padmanabha (Buenos Aires, Argentina)PS/ If one feels unqualified to speak, then how can one be qualified to listen?
If I feel disqualified to speak or hear krsna katha, then the best way to qualify myself for that is exactly to start hearing and speaking krsna katha, with my best intentions and my greatest efforts to do the best, begging pardon for any offense, but not stopping i trying to do that.
Really feeling oneself disqualified involves a practical attitude, in which one struggles with one´s own anarthas for becoming qualified for the service of the Lord. It is not a passive thing, but a very dynamic one. :)
Gaura Haribol!!!
Swami BV Padmanabha
Comment on Swami's comment: Jay Maharaj, very nice message. Yes, we must learn to conquer the tongue by eating Prasadam and speak Hari Katha.
Sudarshan Prabhu (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Comment on Swami's comment: Jay Maharaj, very nice message. Yes, we must learn to conquer the tongue by eating Prasadam and speak Hari Katha.
-Gour Nitai das--------------------------------
Sudarshan Prabhu (Gothenburg, Sweden)
I have a lot of crap to say but nothing that beats Gurudevs nectarful words.
But well... I can try to say this...
To give others insights about how they are behaving by "learning them by doing" and showing up the behaviours so they see for themselves - is not a good solution. It is an attitude that very easily is adapted and spread by minds and it is more easy to be bad than good, but only for a very short time it can be nice to just give up and "be as we are - bad animals living in junk". And thereafter will come a hellish time that learns that those kind of thougts was an illusion. The alternative is to just tell what we know about the highests truths even if we never can be qualified to come in full realization like Krishna. We know nothing but can shoose to go lost in beeing Krishnas instruments, to be perfect writers, speakers and singers. By no mush thinking express the Krishna inside the heart. It's bhakti yoga!
I bet any crazy idea about being the "most worst" amongst vaishnavas is not seriously never coming from Gurudev. This is a joke on a high spiritual level! This is to be laughing about. So...
HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA - I almost believed yooouuuu ;) Meet you next time in a loving spiritual atmosphere as always and forever!
Sudarshan Das
Gaur-Nitai Prabhu (U.S.A.)
Dandavats Pranams to all the Vaisnava devotees.
Srila Guru Maharaj ki Jay.
I often enjoy reading Gurudeva's chats, but I must admit that I do not comment on them mostly because I am lazy when it comes to this. But I must realize that I am unqualified to be lazy. As a fallen soul, I am only qualified to work hard on my sadhana, which now includes reading and commenting on Srila Gurudev's Sunday chats.
Nitai Gaura Premanande Haribol!
Your servant,
Gour Nitai das-------------------------------
Prema Vilas Prabhu (Berlin, Germany)
So many people got inspired to write now comments on the chats ;-)
One thought I wanted to share is my gratefulness and admiration for Gurudeva who dedicates all his time to his disciples.
Any time any of his disciples has a problem, he has an open ear for him and a good and satisfying advice.
He really acts like a well-wishing father of all his disciples and I´m forever grateful for his attitude.
Although his disciples should also take care to not bother him with any little problem which can be solved in other ways or with the help of another advanced devotee.
Now through the internet we have additionally the opportunity to have the sanga and the advices of so many advanced devotees.
I liked also the discussion which came up through all the last comments, they make us think about the philosophy and how to adopt these high teachings in our daily live. I was really thinking during the last days about this "qualified or not"-subject ;-)
In this way, we remember the philosophy, statements from the acaryas and also own thoughts about it.
Maybe we discover in this way that we misunderstood something or we can explain some point which we understood at least in theory.
I hope you forgive me, if I take the chance to make a short advertisement for a page which I made ;-) with lots of good-quality-recordings from Bhajans, Kirtans and performances from different occasions like Melas and so on.
You can also download the songs or hear them online.
Soon, after the Mela in Hungary, I will upload for all those who cannot participate I hope ALL bhajans, kirtans, performances and lectures.
The websites-adress is: http://premavilas.zv1.de/
and there is another page with lectures: http://premavilas.zv1.de/
If you have any question about how to use or how to download please write me to: premavilas108@gmail.com
Aspiring to serve,
premavilas das
Govinda Prabhu (New Jersey, U.S.A.)
I have been passively listening (could also mean not listening at all) the conversations thats are going on.
I believe that we should speak our mind freely, with all our doubts and questions and let the spiritual master decide who understood what and who is qualified and who is not.
I am so fallen that I can not go anywhere else but up from here, and if I do not attempt to ask questions feeling that I am too fallen then there will be no chance for me to rise.
We are supposed to be humble, not mute and definitely not dumb , I am sure whenever we start speaking most of it will be wrong but if we never speak how will other devotees know how bad our condition is and how much help we need.
Also from time to time I let my tongue wag mindlessly (as i am doing here
) so that devotees can see where my mind is wandering and slap me back to my position.
So my request to all is to comment (look who is talking, I never write anything)
Aspiring to be chastised and be sent back to my place,
Your servant
Govinda Das-----------------------------
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