lördag 22 maj 2010

Brahma-Samhita das commentary (Chat 16th May 2010)

Sunday chat 16th May 2o10

Dandavats dear devotees!

How fortunate are those who had the vapu association of the legendary brother of our Gurumaharaj. The divine brothers who together gave birth to the Vrinda branch on the Gaudiya tree. GuruMaharaj never misses a chance to let His disciples know how close Srila Harijan Maharaj is to His heart.
Shrila Shridhar Maharaj pointed out that is is very rare that two brothers serves as Acharyas in a mission. It takes real divine humility and purity in the desire to please Srila Prabhupha to harmonise the often relative brother-brother relationship.
Similar divine humility we may presently witness to a certain extent between Srila Gurudeva Atulananda and Srila Gurudeva Paramadvaiti.
When the Acharyas are united in a tie of love, their differences serves to give a nuance of Guru tattva to their disciples.
Gurumaharaj indicates in the chat that Srila Harijan Maharaj served as the strict and Srila Gurumaharaj as the merciful. In this way they reflected the two aspects of the one Sri Guru, soft like a flower and powerful as a thunderbolt.

How unfortunate are those (like myself) who dont have access to the spanish world and misses the association of Srila Harijan Maharajas mp3 Vani. (and inumerable other publications such as the CC rendered in poem by Srila Gurudeva Atulananda)

your servant
brahma samhita das (Sweden-Bulgaria)

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