fredag 14 maj 2010

Vasudeva das commentary (Chat 9th May 2010)

Sunday Chat 9th May 2010

Gurudeva patita pavana ki jaya! Dandavats all devotees, your feet at my head.

One passage from Srila Sridhar Maharajas commentary on Upadeshamrita comes to my mind when reading the chat:

"Yadi karibe krsna-nama sadhu-sanga kara - only with the help of the devotees, may we invite that 'electric connection' - that may connect us with the higher place and if he is pleased to come down and connect with this body then this body can show bhakti. Otherwise it is all imitation! Imitation won't take us to that plane. Sadhu-sanga - the dynamo is necessary to move the fan, to light the light bulb. Without sadhu-sanga we cannot connect with the higher level."

So this 'electric connection' is the movement of our Gurudeva. With movement i mean that what moves our dear Gurudeva. What makes him move? Srila BB Tirtha Goswami expressed during a meeting in Mayapur that it is Prema that makes our Gurudeva move (This was in connection with Gurudevas work to save river Yamuna from pollution and his work to clean the holy dham and BrahmaSamhita.). We can see clearly that this must be true and even more so when it is confirmed by the most senior Vaishnava Acharya living on the planet today. So who would not like to help continue those spiritual waves of love emanating from Gurudeva in the form of so many projects and visions? Here in this chat we have this 'electric connection'. Gurudeva really is clear about what needs to be done :) he is begging us to manage the fruits that has been produced by alot of service and to distribute it. To make it all available. So take a bite of the VRINDAworld and see what needs to be done or just try to get a broad picture of what is there. To be in tune with the global vision. I would say that this broad picture will help us connect to Gurudeva and to learn what is there in Gurudevas infinite heart.

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