tisdag 29 juni 2010
Paramatma das commentary (Chat 20th June 2010)
dear brothers
//Paramatma das, Hungary
Bhakta Michael commentary (Chat 20th June 2010)
Thank you for sending such excelent lectures from your guru. He is definately a great soul! I think he is up there with Prabhupada because he is very down to earth and good at reaching the ordinary devotee or bhakta. I would like to meet him some day.
//Bhakta Michael, California, U.S.
tisdag 15 juni 2010
"Talk about Krishna, what else?" Sunday Chat 13th June 2010
(Gurudeva giving special mercy to Pancatattva Prabhu, the main secretary of the VRINDA mission)
Gurumaharaj Paramadvaiti Sunday Chat 2010-06-13 "Talk about Krsna, what else?"
Click the link to read the chat...
Shyamananda das commentary (Chat 6th June 2010)
Dandavats! Hare Krsna!
This about the mayor of Bucaramanga is amazing. I cannot even imagine such a thing happening in the city where I live (but maybe I should). This reminds me of Dr. Janez Drnovsek, the former president of Slovenia. He was a vegetarian, active fighter against the meat industry and he had a link to the Spoonrevolution on his official webpage. And before he left his body, he met with Srila Gurumaharaj, Sadhu Maharaj and other devotees, because he was also interested in spiritualiy. You can read about him here: http://www.vina.cc/news/index.
I want to thank Mataji Bhagavati for putting pictures from Bucaramanga on http://gurumaharajdiary.
//Shyamananda das (Sweden)
Bhagavati dd commentary (Chat 6th June 2010)
I am very greatfull there is now a page where the chats in english can be seen on internet, we were specting for so long. Of course manah siksa dd has for so long extracts of the chats in his page http://www.vrindanews.com/
thank you to all my reverences.
dont forget to visit http://gurumaharajdiary.
I think this step in bucaramanga is a very special mercy for krishna consciousness and for vrinda mission. I am talking about conscious goverments. What important and special is that the mayor of the city has a spiritual adviser, and in this case a discipule of Gurumaharaj. Imagine how many changes can be done in a city by chanting the names of the lord.
"The mayor was decorated as an honorary member of the city and he is recognized as an important member of the goverment of the region." Sorry, this I did not translate correctly, it was Gurumaharaj who was decorated!
Also Gurumaharaj recently is pointing out the importance of his offices all around the world and the connection with the sevas. In the offices of Gurumaharaj one can learn many things, how to connect with all devotees around the world, and see how many beautifull and important things they are developing for the preach. Knowing different devotees from all over the world (although sometimes is only by internet) and trying to appreciate their efforts, you can be full of enthusiasm all the time. Its important always for devotees in the offices to do sankirtan, so they can see the needs of the people out side, in this way they can contribute to the sevas in a better way.
Well, thank you for giving the opportunity to write this lines. The important is to listen carefully to our Gurumaharaj and try to follow his instruction the best we can.
Gurumaharaj ki jay !
Sunday chat ki jay !!
//Bhagavati dd (Mexico)
Editors note: Bhagavati is the person who every sunday makes this chat available to us from Spanish to English. We are very happy for this and grateful.
Vasudeva das commentary (Chat 6th June 2010)
Dandavat Pranams
My head to the feet of all devotees and to the feet of Sri Gurudeva
Here are some highlights I extracted from all the nectar in the chat…
"Devotees are very creative but sometimes they lack solidarity. That is necessary for working in a group."
Its easy to think that "My service is the most important" and we get frustrated when the others think the same about their service. It is very easy to miss out on the big picture as well as the details in relationship to others. The big picture is that we are all parts of Gurudevas vision. We all can fulfill different aspects in his vision. we all can have different realizations and by sharing them we are connected and will help to fill in the pieces in the puzzle. When we see the others in relation to Gurudeva and Krishna we will naturally feel inclined to make the others happy, to talk nicely to them, to not speak in a bad tone or voice, to help them out in their service etc etc. This is called sankirtan. Working together for a common goal.
"When someone comes and say: "Gurumaharaj, what can I do with my life?", its very difficult to me. To determine I should make a study of the person. Better you tell me. Suggest something you like."
"The better thing to do with the problems in the temple is to stop being a problem to the temple myself."
I once heard that the real first steps following the sravanam kirtanam is scrubbanam and moppanam. Very often one devotee is left with a dirty kitchen and gets all the nectar for himself/herself. If the devotees when they see me think that “oh that’s the guy who can’t even wash his plate” then how do I look in front of Krishna since it is well known that the devotees are even more merciful than Krishna?
Then even worse problem i can make is fighting and having a bad mood. Then in the best case I will be tolerated but being tolerated is not really the goal. Then i need to make a self-evaluation.
//vasudeva das (sweden)
Brahma-Samhita das commentary (Chat 6th June 2010)
You are amazed when hearing about the advancement of the movement in Colombia. I heard a devotee once describe the amount of devotees on a sundayfeast is some on the temples there. "you have to climb into the pots to dish them after" :)
When I was in ISKCON before joining with Gurumaharaj I had the idea that Krishna consciousness is really ecstatic only if there is thousands of devotees in the kirtan. (like in the chandradoya mandir in Mayapur) big scale is the only nectar. Every thing have to be BIG!
Then when I met Gurumaharaj in in Mayapur we spent the Gourpurnima together with Him and a small amount of devotees. Gurudeva said that this is sweet :) you cannot have a personal relationship with thousands of people simultaneously anyway :) and spiritual life is all about personal relationships. This was a twist of thinking for me. I can hear many times Gurudeva say that when the temples grow big many problems arise, so Gurudeva send his disciples to the next town to open a new center and in this way keeping it small and in a pioneering spirit.
We want the whole world to take up to Krishna consciousness but still we want it small and sweet with less politics and more inspired natural leaders and dynamic helpers.
We want it big (audarya) but small and sweet (madhurya). :)
The dynamics of Goloka allows such a reality. A place with innumerable millions and trillions of devotees that eternally remains a small forest village.
Cintamani prakara sadmasukalpavriksha
lakshavriteshu surabhir abhipalayantam
laxmi sahasra sata sambrahman sevyamanam
Govindam Adipurusham tam aham bhajami
//Brahma-Samhita das (Sweden-Bulgaria)
Balabhadra das commentary (Chat 6th June 2010)
Gurudeva in his position as an Acharya has to be strict in rules and to protect his disciples, in his position as our father, he comes with so much compassion, only to help us to make progress in our life.
And still somehow I cannot follow his instructions and advises – I have to admit. But You, my dear brothers and sisters are all the around with the helping hand open. At all circumstances You are there to bring me back to the instructions and Lotusfeet of Sri Guru.
Like in this commentaries. Krishna is already so merciful, that he brakes his own rules to bring us out of the material world.
I wanted to share with You my favorite statement from Krishna in the Brihad Bhagavatamrita:
“My dear friend, you have passed many lifetimes without paying any attention to Me at all. For so long, hope ha me dancing like a fool, thinking “Perhaps in this lifetime, or this, or this, or this, he will finally turn his face toward Me.” But I could find no pretext on which to bring you to My abode, dear brother, and still follow the timeless laws that I Myself have created.
You showed me no mercy, and as I considered this I grew impatient, full of anxiety to receive Your favor. So I transgressed My eternal code of conduct and arranged for You to take your current birth. Dear boy, in that divine district of Govardhan, my most beloved abode, I Myself became Your Guru. Today you have at last fulfilled the desire I have harbored for so long. Please nourish your happiness and Mine by staying here forever.”
This is so touching, so inspiring, that Krishna brakes his own rules, out of love for us to bring us back to him. And what to speak about the Vaisnavas. They are even more merciful. This makes me crazy and very happy also. Without all of You, Your kindness, Your examples, Your compassion and Your help, even Krishna could not rescue me. I run very fast in the opposite direction, but You ran faster and as a close friend You bring me back on track to the final goal of life. Thank You so much again, and again, dear Vaisnavas. I pray and I try to serve You, that You may be pleased and just shower your love on me.
Haribolo dear Govinda, dear Syamananda, dear Vasudeva, dear Brahma, dear Haladhara, dear Gopalito, dear Vamsi, dear Sanket, dear Yashoda, dear Draupadi, dear all others. I’m begging for Your mercy.'
//Balabhadra das (Germany)
söndag 6 juni 2010
"Childrens education" Sunday Chat 30th May 2010
"Childrens education" Sunday chat 30th May 2010
This week we received some notes from the sunday lecture of Gurudeva. We recieved less comments and I will not be late to remind you to please send your comments again and again. If you find no impetus for commenting on the subject Gurudeva gave for the chat, then we are also superhappy to receive some report from your preaching areas or if some devotee or youself made something extra ordinary, please lift him/her out here and make it known to all other devotees what this devotee or yourself has done, send link also if available some material. So many artists and so many new things done all the time, but so much is still inaccessible to us...
Shyamananda das (Chat 30th May 2010)
Thank you Gurumaharaj, Badarik, Damodara Priya and others for your work with this. It gives me inspiration when I spend time with my younger brothers and sisters, and I see it works.
Haribol! Jay Sri Krsna!
//Shyamananda das, Sweden
Brahma-Samhita das commentary (Chat 30th May 2010)
Through the OIDA project Gurudeva have translated the complicated Vedic knowledge into a very universal language. Instead of quoting from shastra to show the validification of certain truths OIDA logics helps us to convince people refering to the Chaitya Guru or the common sense and in that way a very powerful preaching tool attracting people approach Shradda Devi
OIDA is like hidden Gupta VEDA
I am not yet aware what Gurudeva and the devotees like Paramananda Prabhu and other psychologers are developing across the atlantic but I am eagerly awaiting these preaching tools to be translated to english.
Shradda Devi ki JAY
Gurudeva ki jay!!!