"Childrens education" Sunday chat 30th May 2010
This week we received some notes from the sunday lecture of Gurudeva. We recieved less comments and I will not be late to remind you to please send your comments again and again. If you find no impetus for commenting on the subject Gurudeva gave for the chat, then we are also superhappy to receive some report from your preaching areas or if some devotee or youself made something extra ordinary, please lift him/her out here and make it known to all other devotees what this devotee or yourself has done, send link also if available some material. So many artists and so many new things done all the time, but so much is still inaccessible to us...
"Childrens education" Sunday chat 30th May 2010
SvaraRadera... i think the link doesn't work :(
Ups! Dieser Link scheint nicht zu funktionieren.
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