tisdag 15 juni 2010

Shyamananda das commentary (Chat 6th June 2010)

Sunday chat 6th June 2010 "The preaching in Bucaramanga"

Dandavats! Hare Krsna!

This about the mayor of Bucaramanga is amazing. I cannot even imagine such a thing happening in the city where I live (but maybe I should). This reminds me of Dr. Janez Drnovsek, the former president of Slovenia. He was a vegetarian, active fighter against the meat industry and he had a link to the Spoonrevolution on his official webpage. And before he left his body, he met with Srila Gurumaharaj, Sadhu Maharaj and other devotees, because he was also interested in spiritualiy. You can read about him here: http://www.vina.cc/news/index.php/Search.html?searchword=janez

I want to thank Mataji Bhagavati for putting pictures from Bucaramanga on http://gurumaharajdiary.blogspot.com/

//Shyamananda das (Sweden)

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