tisdag 15 juni 2010

Bhagavati dd commentary (Chat 6th June 2010)

Dandavats to all devotees
I am very greatfull there is now a page where the chats in english can be seen on internet, we were specting for so long. Of course manah siksa dd has for so long extracts of the chats in his page http://www.vrindanews.com/
thank you to all my reverences.
dont forget to visit http://gurumaharajdiary.blogspot.com/ there you can find in english all the visits of gurumaharaj to the different yatras around the world, with news, extracts of lectures and photos.

I think this step in bucaramanga is a very special mercy for krishna consciousness and for vrinda mission. I am talking about conscious goverments. What important and special is that the mayor of the city has a spiritual adviser, and in this case a discipule of Gurumaharaj. Imagine how many changes can be done in a city by chanting the names of the lord.

"The mayor was decorated as an honorary member of the city and he is recognized as an important member of the goverment of the region." Sorry, this I did not translate correctly, it was Gurumaharaj who was decorated!

Also Gurumaharaj recently is pointing out the importance of his offices all around the world and the connection with the sevas. In the offices of Gurumaharaj one can learn many things, how to connect with all devotees around the world, and see how many beautifull and important things they are developing for the preach. Knowing different devotees from all over the world (although sometimes is only by internet) and trying to appreciate their efforts, you can be full of enthusiasm all the time. Its important always for devotees in the offices to do sankirtan, so they can see the needs of the people out side, in this way they can contribute to the sevas in a better way.
Well, thank you for giving the opportunity to write this lines. The important is to listen carefully to our Gurumaharaj and try to follow his instruction the best we can.
Gurumaharaj ki jay !
Sunday chat ki jay !!

//Bhagavati dd (Mexico)

Editors note: Bhagavati is the person who every sunday makes this chat available to us from Spanish to English. We are very happy for this and grateful.

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