torsdag 4 november 2010
onsdag 3 november 2010
torsdag 12 augusti 2010
fredag 30 juli 2010
Comments for "Okis, marriage and seriousness"
I will write so Vasudeva and Shyamananda don´t eat Junk Food!
Shyamananda das (Gothenburg, Sweden)
"Whether you are bramacharis, grihastas or sannyasis the most important is that you are determined to become pure devotees in this life."
"It's not about rules and regulations, it's about realizations."
These two quotes I like very much from last sunday chat. It reminds me of another one, "Control your senses, get the essence". There you have the previous quotes in one.
onsdag 21 juli 2010
A message to the readers
We have heard from several devotees that they don't feel qualified to comment on Gurudevas sunday chat.
Me and Vasudeva have reflected on this and concluded that if you are not qualified, then we for sure are not.. We are not qualified to clean the temple, not qualified to chant our rounds, not qualified to read the scriptures and not qualified to associate with devotees. We are not even qualified to eat prasadam, so now we will eat junk candy from the supermarket until you start sending comments.
Sunday chat editors
Vasudeva & Shyamananda
Bhakta Mikael Sjödin (Sundsvall, Sweden)
Comment on Swami's comment: Jay Maharaj, very nice message. Yes, we must learn to conquer the tongue by eating Prasadam and speak Hari Katha.
Sudarshan Prabhu (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Gaur-Nitai Prabhu (U.S.A.)
Dandavats Pranams to all the Vaisnava devotees.
Prema Vilas Prabhu (Berlin, Germany)
So many people got inspired to write now comments on the chats ;-)
One thought I wanted to share is my gratefulness and admiration for Gurudeva who dedicates all his time to his disciples.
Any time any of his disciples has a problem, he has an open ear for him and a good and satisfying advice.
He really acts like a well-wishing father of all his disciples and I´m forever grateful for his attitude.
Although his disciples should also take care to not bother him with any little problem which can be solved in other ways or with the help of another advanced devotee.
Now through the internet we have additionally the opportunity to have the sanga and the advices of so many advanced devotees.
I liked also the discussion which came up through all the last comments, they make us think about the philosophy and how to adopt these high teachings in our daily live. I was really thinking during the last days about this "qualified or not"-subject ;-)
In this way, we remember the philosophy, statements from the acaryas and also own thoughts about it.
Maybe we discover in this way that we misunderstood something or we can explain some point which we understood at least in theory.
I hope you forgive me, if I take the chance to make a short advertisement for a page which I made ;-) with lots of good-quality-recordings from Bhajans, Kirtans and performances from different occasions like Melas and so on.
You can also download the songs or hear them online.
Soon, after the Mela in Hungary, I will upload for all those who cannot participate I hope ALL bhajans, kirtans, performances and lectures.
The websites-adress is:
and there is another page with lectures:
If you have any question about how to use or how to download please write me to:
Aspiring to serve,
premavilas das
Govinda Prabhu (New Jersey, U.S.A.)
I have been passively listening (could also mean not listening at all) the conversations thats are going on.
Comments for "Open your heart"
Gurudeva sunday chat ki jay!
The knot of the heart is the crookedness of the heart.
Guru guided Sadhana Bhakti is the way to open the heart and it culminates in onepointed Bhakti, onepointed attention to Sri Krishna, as exemplified by Gurudeva in our lives.
Step by step we have to reach this goal
fear is there hidden deep within the false ego that we will miss out on so many joyrides if we don't pay attention to the opportunities this world have to offer.
Shradda means "Where we give our hearts" Full faith means full open heart. complete honesty. That we can see in Gurudeva. No hiding. There is no possibility for any shadow to be created when full attention is on the Lord who is like the illuminating sun.
Ugra Nrishinga (fearsome Nrishinga) made even the devotees tremble. Brahma and Shiva themselves did not dare to approach the Lord in that form (because they exemplify Karma respectively Jnana mixed Bhakti).
But Prahlad, with fully open heart, no shadows to hide or protect, approached Nrishingadeva and appeased Him with beautiful prayers
One pointed feeling, thinking, speaking and acting. The pure atma, undressed from all attitudes, released from all knots of the heart. I can only imitate the prayer of Bhaktivinoda and ask desperatly "when will that day be mine!"
Is it possible? can we do it?
yes we can, just follow in the footsteps of our beloved Gaurdian Srila Gurudeva.
We can test our advancement on our path by how much attraction we have to read the sundaychats, as they are the weekly "hotcakes" of our darshan connection with Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Radha Brajeshvara
Dandavats dear devotees. please give me mercy so I can understand one day what Gurudeva speaks and associate with Him with an open heart.
Krishna gave a heart to me and I closed it, how stupid. Please devotees give me the key to unlock my heart. Pray for me
Makhan Chor Prabhu (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Bhakta Mikael Sjödin (Sundsvall, Sweden)
Vasudeva Prabhu (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Jayataha
Dandavats to ALL devotees
One astrologer said about Srila Prabhupada that He would build a house where the whole world could live. And He did by inviting the whole world into his heart. Srila Gurudeva is doing the same. His vision stretches beyond the VRINDA mission; to unite the Vaishnavas he enthuses the WVA, to unite the religions of the world he revealed the OIDA therapy, to unite the East and West (and all the hindus around their common causes) He started the DharmaScience, to include the animals in the family of mother earth (and bridge out to the nondevotee masses) he started the spoonrevolution. Gurudeva takes in the whole world in his heart and asks us to also look beyond our own problems in life or our local concerns. Gurudeva often quotes Srila Prabhupada; "The world first, your temple second". This prevents us from creating our ego-zone around our service. After all, Krishna consciousness is supposed to be universal.
Taking others into the heart
Krishna gives equal love to all souls, but to those who reciprocate he can give more. This means that any soul that is regularly taking association with devotees, making any service, giving donation, appreciating hari-katha, is chanting rounds, serving my Gurudev in various ways, offering his food before eating, bowing down in the temple room etc etc is in the spotlight of Krishna. This soul has received Krishnas attention and deserves my appreciation. By seeing all devotees in this way i will hopefully not make a fool out of myself when the spotlight shines on me, because indifference and offenses are not allowed on the stage of Bhakti.
Gurumaharaj ki Jaya!
//vasudeva d
Balabhadra Prabhu (Mewegen, Germany)
Hare Krishna dear Devotees,
my respectful and loving obeisances to all of You.
I think it is clear who from all of us is the most fallen and the most unqualified – the one with the greatest ego, who want to be the best and the first even in this regard – me…..
But still I admit that the real progress in cleaning and opening our heart comes by a deep meditation about Gurudeva and the topics of his classes, and these deep meditation comes actually when we try to speak or to write about. Listening is nice and good, reading already more intensive, but speaking or writing brings You to a very deep level of finding out what is in Your heart, what You want to share, which direction You really want to go.
Still I feel very ashamed what comes out of my heart when I look what rivers of nectar all of You are sharing from Your sweet realizations. But this is also a kind of ego, I guess and why not let You know how falls I am, actually, then You all feel more compassion and pray more for me. Cool
When Gurudeva speaks about to open the heart with all his deep meanings and different aspects, wow I can only bow down to such an universal understanding and realization of the divine love. And it’s so true. Not much more to say about. In my little world I try to open the doors of my heart by learning to understand that everybody must be happy in the family of Krishna Consciousness. To feel home, wherever there is a temple or devotees worshiping and serving the Lord. And the best help to learn this here in Berlin, are our brothers and sisters from foreign countries.
First, when I would be in a place completely out of everything I know or I’m used to deal with, I would be very happy that there are friends who help me even in the little details.
Then they bring so much love and fresh energy into the temple atmosphere that makes all of us so happy, that we have to do our best, that they never want to leave us anymore.
And also, when the people from outside see the community, they should feel by seeing all the happy faces that this community around Krishna has something very special, very happy and very heart-open.
If we feel responsible for the happiness of our brother next to us, when we cannot leave somebody, without asking, “how are You?”, “what can I do for You?”, then we are on a good way to open our hearts more and more. This sacrifice is actually the biggest pleasure one can experience.
and in my case also a good portion of egoism, because there will be the time for sure, when I’m on the ground beaten up by the reactions of my sinful activities. and I would be most happy and fortunate, if there is a compassionate devotee, who give me his attention and help. We need so much help and mercy from everyone around us, the we cannot risk to be alone one day, by bad our behavior or ignoring, selfish mood.
If we see a devote, we try to serve him the best we can, for sure he will be the one, who save us one day, when we are lost. With this feeling we will be saved, I think.
Gurudeva Patita Pavana Ki Jay
Vaisnava Thakur Ki Jay
Bhakta Michael Hurn (San Diego, U.S.A.)
Gaur-Nitai Prabhu (U.S.A.)
måndag 12 juli 2010
Pepito commentary (Chat 4th July 2010)
tisdag 29 juni 2010
Paramatma das commentary (Chat 20th June 2010)
dear brothers
//Paramatma das, Hungary
Bhakta Michael commentary (Chat 20th June 2010)
Thank you for sending such excelent lectures from your guru. He is definately a great soul! I think he is up there with Prabhupada because he is very down to earth and good at reaching the ordinary devotee or bhakta. I would like to meet him some day.
//Bhakta Michael, California, U.S.
tisdag 15 juni 2010
"Talk about Krishna, what else?" Sunday Chat 13th June 2010
(Gurudeva giving special mercy to Pancatattva Prabhu, the main secretary of the VRINDA mission)
Gurumaharaj Paramadvaiti Sunday Chat 2010-06-13 "Talk about Krsna, what else?"
Click the link to read the chat...
Shyamananda das commentary (Chat 6th June 2010)
Dandavats! Hare Krsna!
This about the mayor of Bucaramanga is amazing. I cannot even imagine such a thing happening in the city where I live (but maybe I should). This reminds me of Dr. Janez Drnovsek, the former president of Slovenia. He was a vegetarian, active fighter against the meat industry and he had a link to the Spoonrevolution on his official webpage. And before he left his body, he met with Srila Gurumaharaj, Sadhu Maharaj and other devotees, because he was also interested in spiritualiy. You can read about him here:
I want to thank Mataji Bhagavati for putting pictures from Bucaramanga on http://gurumaharajdiary.
//Shyamananda das (Sweden)
Bhagavati dd commentary (Chat 6th June 2010)
I am very greatfull there is now a page where the chats in english can be seen on internet, we were specting for so long. Of course manah siksa dd has for so long extracts of the chats in his page
thank you to all my reverences.
dont forget to visit http://gurumaharajdiary.
I think this step in bucaramanga is a very special mercy for krishna consciousness and for vrinda mission. I am talking about conscious goverments. What important and special is that the mayor of the city has a spiritual adviser, and in this case a discipule of Gurumaharaj. Imagine how many changes can be done in a city by chanting the names of the lord.
"The mayor was decorated as an honorary member of the city and he is recognized as an important member of the goverment of the region." Sorry, this I did not translate correctly, it was Gurumaharaj who was decorated!
Also Gurumaharaj recently is pointing out the importance of his offices all around the world and the connection with the sevas. In the offices of Gurumaharaj one can learn many things, how to connect with all devotees around the world, and see how many beautifull and important things they are developing for the preach. Knowing different devotees from all over the world (although sometimes is only by internet) and trying to appreciate their efforts, you can be full of enthusiasm all the time. Its important always for devotees in the offices to do sankirtan, so they can see the needs of the people out side, in this way they can contribute to the sevas in a better way.
Well, thank you for giving the opportunity to write this lines. The important is to listen carefully to our Gurumaharaj and try to follow his instruction the best we can.
Gurumaharaj ki jay !
Sunday chat ki jay !!
//Bhagavati dd (Mexico)
Editors note: Bhagavati is the person who every sunday makes this chat available to us from Spanish to English. We are very happy for this and grateful.
Vasudeva das commentary (Chat 6th June 2010)
Dandavat Pranams
My head to the feet of all devotees and to the feet of Sri Gurudeva
Here are some highlights I extracted from all the nectar in the chat…
"Devotees are very creative but sometimes they lack solidarity. That is necessary for working in a group."
Its easy to think that "My service is the most important" and we get frustrated when the others think the same about their service. It is very easy to miss out on the big picture as well as the details in relationship to others. The big picture is that we are all parts of Gurudevas vision. We all can fulfill different aspects in his vision. we all can have different realizations and by sharing them we are connected and will help to fill in the pieces in the puzzle. When we see the others in relation to Gurudeva and Krishna we will naturally feel inclined to make the others happy, to talk nicely to them, to not speak in a bad tone or voice, to help them out in their service etc etc. This is called sankirtan. Working together for a common goal.
"When someone comes and say: "Gurumaharaj, what can I do with my life?", its very difficult to me. To determine I should make a study of the person. Better you tell me. Suggest something you like."
"The better thing to do with the problems in the temple is to stop being a problem to the temple myself."
I once heard that the real first steps following the sravanam kirtanam is scrubbanam and moppanam. Very often one devotee is left with a dirty kitchen and gets all the nectar for himself/herself. If the devotees when they see me think that “oh that’s the guy who can’t even wash his plate” then how do I look in front of Krishna since it is well known that the devotees are even more merciful than Krishna?
Then even worse problem i can make is fighting and having a bad mood. Then in the best case I will be tolerated but being tolerated is not really the goal. Then i need to make a self-evaluation.
//vasudeva das (sweden)
Brahma-Samhita das commentary (Chat 6th June 2010)
You are amazed when hearing about the advancement of the movement in Colombia. I heard a devotee once describe the amount of devotees on a sundayfeast is some on the temples there. "you have to climb into the pots to dish them after" :)
When I was in ISKCON before joining with Gurumaharaj I had the idea that Krishna consciousness is really ecstatic only if there is thousands of devotees in the kirtan. (like in the chandradoya mandir in Mayapur) big scale is the only nectar. Every thing have to be BIG!
Then when I met Gurumaharaj in in Mayapur we spent the Gourpurnima together with Him and a small amount of devotees. Gurudeva said that this is sweet :) you cannot have a personal relationship with thousands of people simultaneously anyway :) and spiritual life is all about personal relationships. This was a twist of thinking for me. I can hear many times Gurudeva say that when the temples grow big many problems arise, so Gurudeva send his disciples to the next town to open a new center and in this way keeping it small and in a pioneering spirit.
We want the whole world to take up to Krishna consciousness but still we want it small and sweet with less politics and more inspired natural leaders and dynamic helpers.
We want it big (audarya) but small and sweet (madhurya). :)
The dynamics of Goloka allows such a reality. A place with innumerable millions and trillions of devotees that eternally remains a small forest village.
Cintamani prakara sadmasukalpavriksha
lakshavriteshu surabhir abhipalayantam
laxmi sahasra sata sambrahman sevyamanam
Govindam Adipurusham tam aham bhajami
//Brahma-Samhita das (Sweden-Bulgaria)
Balabhadra das commentary (Chat 6th June 2010)
Gurudeva in his position as an Acharya has to be strict in rules and to protect his disciples, in his position as our father, he comes with so much compassion, only to help us to make progress in our life.
And still somehow I cannot follow his instructions and advises – I have to admit. But You, my dear brothers and sisters are all the around with the helping hand open. At all circumstances You are there to bring me back to the instructions and Lotusfeet of Sri Guru.
Like in this commentaries. Krishna is already so merciful, that he brakes his own rules to bring us out of the material world.
I wanted to share with You my favorite statement from Krishna in the Brihad Bhagavatamrita:
“My dear friend, you have passed many lifetimes without paying any attention to Me at all. For so long, hope ha me dancing like a fool, thinking “Perhaps in this lifetime, or this, or this, or this, he will finally turn his face toward Me.” But I could find no pretext on which to bring you to My abode, dear brother, and still follow the timeless laws that I Myself have created.
You showed me no mercy, and as I considered this I grew impatient, full of anxiety to receive Your favor. So I transgressed My eternal code of conduct and arranged for You to take your current birth. Dear boy, in that divine district of Govardhan, my most beloved abode, I Myself became Your Guru. Today you have at last fulfilled the desire I have harbored for so long. Please nourish your happiness and Mine by staying here forever.”
This is so touching, so inspiring, that Krishna brakes his own rules, out of love for us to bring us back to him. And what to speak about the Vaisnavas. They are even more merciful. This makes me crazy and very happy also. Without all of You, Your kindness, Your examples, Your compassion and Your help, even Krishna could not rescue me. I run very fast in the opposite direction, but You ran faster and as a close friend You bring me back on track to the final goal of life. Thank You so much again, and again, dear Vaisnavas. I pray and I try to serve You, that You may be pleased and just shower your love on me.
Haribolo dear Govinda, dear Syamananda, dear Vasudeva, dear Brahma, dear Haladhara, dear Gopalito, dear Vamsi, dear Sanket, dear Yashoda, dear Draupadi, dear all others. I’m begging for Your mercy.'
//Balabhadra das (Germany)
söndag 6 juni 2010
"Childrens education" Sunday Chat 30th May 2010
"Childrens education" Sunday chat 30th May 2010
This week we received some notes from the sunday lecture of Gurudeva. We recieved less comments and I will not be late to remind you to please send your comments again and again. If you find no impetus for commenting on the subject Gurudeva gave for the chat, then we are also superhappy to receive some report from your preaching areas or if some devotee or youself made something extra ordinary, please lift him/her out here and make it known to all other devotees what this devotee or yourself has done, send link also if available some material. So many artists and so many new things done all the time, but so much is still inaccessible to us...
Shyamananda das (Chat 30th May 2010)
Thank you Gurumaharaj, Badarik, Damodara Priya and others for your work with this. It gives me inspiration when I spend time with my younger brothers and sisters, and I see it works.
Haribol! Jay Sri Krsna!
//Shyamananda das, Sweden
Brahma-Samhita das commentary (Chat 30th May 2010)
Through the OIDA project Gurudeva have translated the complicated Vedic knowledge into a very universal language. Instead of quoting from shastra to show the validification of certain truths OIDA logics helps us to convince people refering to the Chaitya Guru or the common sense and in that way a very powerful preaching tool attracting people approach Shradda Devi
OIDA is like hidden Gupta VEDA
I am not yet aware what Gurudeva and the devotees like Paramananda Prabhu and other psychologers are developing across the atlantic but I am eagerly awaiting these preaching tools to be translated to english.
Shradda Devi ki JAY
Gurudeva ki jay!!!
torsdag 27 maj 2010
No translation chat 23d May 2010
This week there was no english translation so we wait 1 more week.
lördag 22 maj 2010
"Celebration of Srila Harijan Maharaj appearance" - Sunday chat 16th May 2010

"Celebration of Srila Harijan Maharaj appearance" - Chat 16th May 2010
This week we have been meditating on Srila Harijan Maharajas great example of surrender and Gurudeva is sharing with us some sweet memories of his time together with Him.
Swami BV Padmanabha Maharaj commentary (Chat 16th May 2010)
My pranams unto all of you.
Thanks to the devotees from Nimai Huset for the invitation and the nice service of sharing krsna katha with all of us.
Srila Guru Maharaj has left Argentina yesterday, so we are just recovering from the intense & shocking experience that means to have a pure devotee among us.
His visit was as usual completly extatic, transforming the whole atmosphere and hearts present there, with his unique love, sharing it in all directions.
Regarding this last Sunday chat, it was very touching to see Srila Gurudeva expressing his innermost feelings of appreciation towards his beloved spiritual brother, Srila B.B Harijan Swami Maharaj.
To see the loving exchanges between two pure devotees, remind us of the value of true Vaishnava friendship, as our only solace and topmost shelter in this Kali Yuga.
I remember the famous lila, when once Srila B.R. Sridhar Maharaj asked Srila Harijan Swami how long he was working with Srila Guru Maharaj, and he said "10 years" (approx.), and Srila Sridhar Maharaj then asked: "And during these 10 years, how many times did you quarrel?". Srila Harijan Maharaj tought for a moment and he answered: "Never".
So Srila Sridhar Maharaj was quite astonished, and said: "You see. This is true vaishnavism." :)
Srila Harijan Maharaj is teaching us so many things.
These days I was reflecting on the vani-vapuh topic, and how vani (serving the Guru`s instructions and desires) represents the most important aspect of guru-seva, over vapuh (serving the Guru "phisically").
So Srila Harijan Swami is a perfect example of this, since he never met personally his Gurudeva Srila Prabhupada, but nonetheless he was able to catch the essence of his inner desire, and he was able in this way to be perfectly connected with him.
A very nice point for all of us, to draw inspiration from. :)
Thanks again for the chance to share my time & energy with the sadhus, greeting to all of you....
Srila Bhakti Bimala Harijan Swami Maharaj ki jay!!!
Srila Guru Maharaj ki jay!!!
Samaveda bhakta vrinda ki jay!!!
Gaura Haribol!!!
daso `smi,
Swami BV Padmanabha (Argentina)
Vasudeva das commentary (Chat 16th May 2010)
Dandavat Pranams
Srila Harijan Maharaj ki jaya!
All followers of his example ki jaya!
Srila Gurumaharaj mentioned that srila Harijan Maharaj never wanted to give orders; "Harijan Maharaj said that if someone wants to give orders, it is better that he order his own hand into his pocket and gives some money to Krishna. He ordered with his example of sankirtan"
This makes me think of how easy it is to fly off in pride when others don't pay attention to what one says; "Why they are objecting what im saying?!" etc etc. If we want others to be inspired to do something its not enough to hammer into their heads that it is maya to not do it. We must do it ourselves.
We need to have such examples like Srila Harijan Maharaj to show us the path. They shine their light on us so we can see what we need to adjust. I never met Srila Harijan Maharaj but pray that i one day can serve my Guru the way he served His.
Srila Harijan Maharaj ki jaya!
//vasudeva d
Brahma-Samhita das commentary (Chat 16th May 2010)
Dandavats dear devotees!
How fortunate are those who had the vapu association of the legendary brother of our Gurumaharaj. The divine brothers who together gave birth to the Vrinda branch on the Gaudiya tree. GuruMaharaj never misses a chance to let His disciples know how close Srila Harijan Maharaj is to His heart.
Shrila Shridhar Maharaj pointed out that is is very rare that two brothers serves as Acharyas in a mission. It takes real divine humility and purity in the desire to please Srila Prabhupha to harmonise the often relative brother-brother relationship.
Similar divine humility we may presently witness to a certain extent between Srila Gurudeva Atulananda and Srila Gurudeva Paramadvaiti.
When the Acharyas are united in a tie of love, their differences serves to give a nuance of Guru tattva to their disciples.
Gurumaharaj indicates in the chat that Srila Harijan Maharaj served as the strict and Srila Gurumaharaj as the merciful. In this way they reflected the two aspects of the one Sri Guru, soft like a flower and powerful as a thunderbolt.
How unfortunate are those (like myself) who dont have access to the spanish world and misses the association of Srila Harijan Maharajas mp3 Vani. (and inumerable other publications such as the CC rendered in poem by Srila Gurudeva Atulananda)
your servant
brahma samhita das (Sweden-Bulgaria)
Srimati dd commentary (Chat 16th May 2010)
Haribol dear devotees
my most humble obeisances to all!
GuruDeva ki jay!
I'm eager for your chat comments as well.
I can just say then for me it was nice to hear(read) GuruDeva in the beginning and his explanation on how everyone are welcomed in Krishna consciousness.
Sometimes we can judge others and say that they are not ready or not in the "sphere" to Krishna consciousness. But the fact is we never know where will the mercy of Maha Prabhu land. I didn't even know this for myself and what to speak about others. That's why we should try to preach to everyone and not make distinctions. Although for me this is very dificult. Also some people need a smooth introduction to the filosofi and we should be carefull about not having a very harsh approach. But the fact is I got enormous mercy for being with the devotees and the only way to express my gratitude is by serving Guru Deva and shering the nectar of the Krishna Consciousness with other people!
//Srimati dd
Shyamananda das commentary (Chat 16th May 2010)
Dandavats to all devotees! What made the most impression on me this time was this: " symptom of a self-realized person is that he never gives trouble to the devotees but gives relief". At the last mela Gurumaharaj recommended us to take care of our health. But what to do with your health? Enjoy life more effectively? No, it's to give relief to the devotees and not giving unnecessary trouble. Gurudeva ki jaya!
//Shyamananda das (Sweden)
KrishnaKirtan das commentary (Chat 16th May 2010):
KrishnaKirtan das (Poland):
Dandawats Pranams
Gurumaharaja ki jay!!
Godbrothers and Godsisters ki jay !!
I am very pleased to read about Harijan Maharaja becouse I never before hear about him and his activities. I know that service and preaching is a life of devotee. Active devotee preacher is a life of vaisnavism. I was born by mercy of some fearless devotee which came to me some years ago and sell me a book, a Srila Prabhupada book. Few years later I met others which show me a way to contact with Srila Gurudeva. By contact with such great soul, active devotees, such rascal like me has some vision of spiritual life.
I beg all of you for little mercy to be able to serve you.
I beg all of you for little mercy to be able to be small part of your preaching activities.
I beg all of you for little mercy to be able to please Srila Gurudeva.
I beg all of you for little mercy to be able to follow in the footsteps of such great souls like Harijan Maharaja.
your nothing significant
//krishnakirtan das (Poland)
fredag 14 maj 2010
"Managing the fruits of our efforts" - Sunday Chat 9th May 2010
"Managing the fruits of our efforts" - Sunday Chat 9th May 2010
Srila Gurudeva gave this week again full power in the chat. Read it and then dive into the commentaries...
Balabhadra das commentary (Chat 9th May 2010)
Haribol dear Vaisnavas.
Gurudeva Patita Pavan Ki Jay.
I thank You so much for the invitation for this chat meditation. Gurudevas chats are like the cooling rain after the heat season in the desert. Giving life to everybody, enthusiasm, new colors, new hope. Out of his unlimited mercy and love for us, he try to keep us connected to the highest goal of live, every week. And now these great heroes from Nimai Huset even expand that mercy and love to keep us connected every day. I don’t have anything to say or to give, but please forgive me that I use this chance to try to show my gratefulness to all of You and our beloved Gurudeva.
It is Your love, that attract me out from the most terrible situation and brakes this stone in my chest. The love of the Devotees is there every day, anytime under all circumstances. It’s said that they are like wish fulfilling trees, fulfilling the desire of everybody. Because there mercy and love open the doors to the spiritual world and they guide us personally to that place, where all desires will be fulfilled. Gurudeva is the greatest and strongest amongst these heroes of this world. Every day and night he show is love and compassion to us by distributing the highest nectar both in words and practical example. My dear brothers and sisters, for me You are even more important than Gurudeva, because You are around me every day, tolerating me and remind me to drink the immortal nectar of Gurudevas instructions. Our great fortune is that we are surrounded by the most honourable and loving people in this world. They will look that this “Spota” , planted in our heart by Sri Gurus mercy, will grow, they never let us down or lost in illusion. They are our greatest friends in misery, they fight with us, they fight for us. Oh my dear brothers and sisters, You are Gurudevas biggest gift, You are my shelter.
Shyamananda das commentary (Chat 9th May 2010)
The day after I read the chat I was reminded of it when Srimati dd told me of how when she reads Prabhupadas books she now and then has moments of clarity. This made me think of what Gurumaharaj said about spota vada.
Sanketvan dd commentary (Chat 9th May 2010)
One devotee (i forgot who ) once shared the nectar that the sandalwood is a special wood. The forest is also a special thing and the sandal wood forest is a very special and really really rare. You actualy almost can not find it. And this is also like the vaishnavas in the material world - they are so rare and such a mercy and such an extraordinary expirience - exactly like to be in a forest from sandalwood. And in this material world, living in the ashram and surrounded by so much nectar from all vaishnavas and Guru dev, and every sunday we can feel such a mercy by having this sunday chat-that i really feel sometimes as in a sandal wooden forest :) jay and every tree is different and has different features, as the flowers are different, and GM said that the poems of the vasihnavas are like beautiful flowers,divine breezes,that invoke fresh attraction in the listener,an impulse to keep on going forward...
and if we want to learn how to don´t be egoistic we have to learn the art of sharing with others, and it is easy sometimes to share the pains but when one has something beautiful it is sometimes difficult for the mind to give it to others. But this is our duty - what we got from our spiritual master to share with as many as possible - so if we see a beautiful flower, a beautiful work from a vaishnava, a project of counsciousness art or whatever what kind of a divine work - we will do the right thing if we follow the instructions and share it with others. Guru Deva has such a love that he wants to promote and create a network of mercy, not just distributing individualy mercy, but globaly, in every way possible. I am just getting more entusiasm observing this and observing means i am not realy into the action... and this can make one feel lost regarding to realizating one owns priorities... So searching for the nectar, for the beautiful flowers from the same ashram, house, city, country, continent, planet, universe and so on.... Finding them (sometimes they even come alone) :) ,and then-SHARING THEM-
this is a lot of work, hey! we have to be aware. I am just speaking and maybe this can be not so good example but i pray to Krsna that he can show me how i can put all this into practise and how i can learn to be able to appreciate all the mercy that the vaishnavas are giving in this world and all the desires they can fullfill. This is not just a mystic power but the mercy of Love.
Hari bol. All glories to Guru deva and all transcendental vaishnavas and their counscious production for the welfare of the world. Hare Krsna!
Brahma-samhita das commentary (Chat 9th May 2010)
Dandavats to all nice devotees
Gurudeva gives here the importance of continiousity in love. It inspired me to learn to appreciate the vaishnavas contribution. Love needs to be confirmed every second. Krishna is flooding us with nectar like a continous avalach. From His side He confirmes His love for us eternally. The vaishnavas share their confirmation of Krishnas love thrue their music, books, theaters and many other expressions.
The general tendency of this world is that all expressions of any kind is burried in the past and is eventually forgotten (all things must pass) But the bhagavatam remains eternally and the glories of the Lord and His devotees is forever recalled. The pure devotee Srila Gurudeva with His Omniattentiveness is contradicitng the transient current of this world by always remembering the efforts of sincere devotees and encurages these contributions to surface, because "out of sight out of mind" Like our beloved Gurudeva so often says.
I hope one day to follow in the footsteps of Srila Gurudeva and learn to care for the others and their efforts
Srila Gurudeva ki jay!
brahma samhita das
Vasudeva das commentary (Chat 9th May 2010)
Gurudeva patita pavana ki jaya! Dandavats all devotees, your feet at my head.
One passage from Srila Sridhar Maharajas commentary on Upadeshamrita comes to my mind when reading the chat:
"Yadi karibe krsna-nama sadhu-sanga kara - only with the help of the devotees, may we invite that 'electric connection' - that may connect us with the higher place and if he is pleased to come down and connect with this body then this body can show bhakti. Otherwise it is all imitation! Imitation won't take us to that plane. Sadhu-sanga - the dynamo is necessary to move the fan, to light the light bulb. Without sadhu-sanga we cannot connect with the higher level."
So this 'electric connection' is the movement of our Gurudeva. With movement i mean that what moves our dear Gurudeva. What makes him move? Srila BB Tirtha Goswami expressed during a meeting in Mayapur that it is Prema that makes our Gurudeva move (This was in connection with Gurudevas work to save river Yamuna from pollution and his work to clean the holy dham and BrahmaSamhita.). We can see clearly that this must be true and even more so when it is confirmed by the most senior Vaishnava Acharya living on the planet today. So who would not like to help continue those spiritual waves of love emanating from Gurudeva in the form of so many projects and visions? Here in this chat we have this 'electric connection'. Gurudeva really is clear about what needs to be done :) he is begging us to manage the fruits that has been produced by alot of service and to distribute it. To make it all available. So take a bite of the VRINDAworld and see what needs to be done or just try to get a broad picture of what is there. To be in tune with the global vision. I would say that this broad picture will help us connect to Gurudeva and to learn what is there in Gurudevas infinite heart.
Manah-siksa dd commentary (Chat 9th May)
Our Guru Maharaj gave a seminar on the importance to save the treasure of the service of the vaishnavas and make it available to all. In this he quoted George Harrison, who at one occasion declared that he wanted to make music that would be remembered in the future with a meaning for future generations. Guru Maharaj also said that one has to live in the present, one has to live with the past, and one has to live for the future, and thus one has to live very conscious. This short sentence was what captured me in this chat. In this material world it is not possible to disconnect one from the other; present, past and future make part of our life.
To live wisely, one must be aware of these three dimensions of our time. To learn from the past, to have visions for the future, and to act in the present to do whatever is possible to achieve our goal. It must be balance. Sometimes we get stuck in meditation on the past days, neglecting the future. Sometimes we get absorbed by dreams for the future, forgetting to live in the present. Sometimes we almost drown in activities in the present, trying to forget the past... But we should try to find balance between these dimensions to be able to live and use our time and skills wisely.
Serving the Supreme Lord, serving the guru and serving the vaishnavas is not an ordinary thing. It is something with value over the time. We cannot even imagine what will come out of it in the future. To be part of something so beautiful as the loving mission of Lord Chaitanya is a most fortunate thing. We can look centuries back in time, and we see the loving service of Sri Chaitanya's followers. We were in their future, they are in our past, and the present is our chance to do something good.
/Manah-siksa devi dasi
Srimati dd commentary (Chat 9th May 2010)
Hari bol dear devotees.Me too as all others am very happy for this chat comments and thought. I read your comments and they are fullof inspiration and treasure as Guru Deva's chat. Also for me it was very interesting to see that everyone had a different point (or topic) in the chat that left most impression on them. :) That's very nice. What came on my mind first when I read the chat was about all the different projects and matherials that are available in the Vrinda mission. When Guru deva was here a month ago I was talking with him about the spoon revolution and he told me something about the "Golden pages" when Guru Deva saw that I didn't know what the Golden pages are he made me feel very emberesed. I was thinking about this afterwards and realized how important it is to know what is happening for the different projects what web pages are there etc. As Guru Deva said the Vrinda portal is very important and I was just cheking that theother day. But the information is huuuuuuge so sometimes I'm a bit confused. I want to find a nice way to sort and structure everything in my mind so that I will know whatis there and how to find it. That is really important to me.
Guru Deva ki-jay. Prabhupad ki-jay.
//Srimati d.d.